Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I fucking win.

My current mood is aptly expressed by the phrase, 'FUCKS YEAH!'

At long last, my finals are over! FUCKS YEAH! I can now chill out and celebrate and drink myself into a drunken stupor; in fact, as I write this I've already started. I have party hats and confetti at the ready, it's seriously time to get down and par-tay!

Yes, it's been a gruelling past couple weeks, staying up way past my bedtime to further my academic career, but I am finally done for the quarter; everything is peachy and awesome once again.

Holy shit, who the hell is that freak?

Sorry folks, I seriously don't know where those weird fuckers come from.

Anyway, back to business. I noticed that I'm getting a shitload of traffic from the comments I left on Cheng Yan Yan's blog. This is awesome. Thank you all for stopping by. I know some of you are probably thinking, 'Yeah, this guy made one or two funny comments, but how good is he really? Maybe his blog is like all those other angsty blogs, where people whine about how they can't get laid and shit like that. We don't want to read stupid shit like that.'

Let me assure you this blog is not about stupid shit like that. This blog is totally fucking sweet. Sometimes I read what I've written, and I'm drinking some soda, and I laugh so hard I spew soda all over my computer. Other times I laugh so hard I almost crap myself in the pants. Sometimes I laugh so hard I have to stick a finger up my ass to stop the shit from coming out, since I'm laughing so hard. Yeah, that's right. I'm that funny. If I crack myself up, I should be pretty funny, right? I think so, anyway. Yeah. Like I said before, you should all link me / bookmark me / read every day even though I might not update. I mean, I read my own shit a whole bunch of times every day, and I don't get sick of it. That's right.

I have a piece of bad news, however - I won't be updating this thing for the next couple days. I was chilling out last night (here we define chilling out as banging my head against a table while trying to study for my Japanese final today) when I got an email from a friend, asking me whether I wanted to take a road trip to Toronto on 'thursday'. I was all, like, 'hell yeah, bitch! I'm getting OUT of here!'

I just realized he actually means tomorrow.

I figure, though, what the fuck, I'm a spontaneous kind of guy, right? I mean, I'm done anyway, it's probably time for a change of scenery. The question on my mind (and, I'm sure, a whole bunch of other peoples') is, 'what the fuck is there to do in Toronto?'

Being the avid netizen that I am, I searched google for things to do in Toronto. Apparently they have an awesome chinatown. I mean, come on, they have so many chinese in Toronto that they were affected by the SARS outbreak. Obviously they must have a good chinatown, right? On top of this, there is water and stuff. Oh, and hockey. I know, this doesn't exactly sound like the most appealing set of reasons to go to Toronto. Other than the big chinatown, I suppose. I haven't eaten good chinese food in too fucking long. Seriously.

To make myself feel more excited, I looked for pictures of Toronto:

Ok, not bad, I guess it's quite pretty.

Wow. Toronto has buildings. Errr...awesome.

More water. Again, not bad, except I really don't like water all that much.

Eh, whatever. I suppose you never know till you go, right? I'll be back on sunday (that's probably monday for all of you in sunny singapore) with stories and pictures and stupid shit like that. See you then!


Blogger lest-i-forget spewed forth...

hey man, you're one funny SOB. Keep it up.

16/3/05 21:23  
Blogger Blain spewed forth...

Fucks nooo T_T

You UC people end way too goddamn early man. Which happens to be anytime earlier than us.

-the sad people up in madison.

diary of a madwoman

16/3/05 22:31  
Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

Oh, Joel.

16/3/05 22:39  
Blogger Lusty L'Heureux spewed forth...

dude, thats niagra falls. not toronto.

geez, everyone i know is going to toronto and this is the first spring break i'm NOT going to toronto (mom there). Meanwhile, this is the time i'm going to new york and the first time NO ONE is going to new york. wtf mate.

17/3/05 02:27  
Blogger Unknown spewed forth...

HAHAHA - attention whore!!!

The only reason *anybody* leaves comment (aside from more intellectual talks), esp on *her* blog, is so they can beg, cry and beg more for people to visit their blog.

Like in my case, I don't need to beg ->


I'm just making a *ahem* reference.

Ok, point made.

Have a good day. ;)

19/3/05 20:55  

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