Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Chicago is in Heat.

The thing about Chicago is, we're more prepared for the cold than for the heat. Days like this, you sit in your apartment; the heat is horrible, and all you have to fight it is a box fan, which really doesn't go all that fast. You wish for air conditioning. Oh, how you wish for air conditioning. All you have, though, is that fan, the occasional breeze from a generous open window, and a cold bottle of guinness. The heat makes you thirsty, and my water filter can only make so much water, you know.

Besides, a cold bottle is definitely necessary to survive those summer days. The heat, it can really kick your butt sometimes.

After that, there's the 5 minute thunderstorms which hit you in the middle of nowhere; if you're used to tropical weather, you should be fairly adept at avoiding the rain. Here, though, this involves some mega-nimble sleight of body; you have to magically appear and disappear as the rain starts and stops falling. Of course, it doesn't really matter if you're caught in the rain, the dry heat reduces your pouring sweat into something dry, sticky.

Then again, at least the heat keeps you on the move, you know?

The downside with all this drinking (to keep cool) is that your memory doesn't quite work as well, nor does your mind in general, but hey, I'm done, man! I'm gradumacated! YEAH! FUCKS YEAH!



Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

Congratumacations, and welcome to the (blegh) real world. I never thought I'd miss finals...

8/6/05 11:33  
Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

I can't wait to move downtown with my fancy ass air conditioned apartment. It's amazing how backward southside apartments are. Every day I come back to Hyde Park from work, it's like going backwards in time about 10 years.


8/6/05 18:36  
Blogger Adrian spewed forth...

A whole city in heat sounds cool - I mean, hot.

8/6/05 18:48  
Blogger Green Ogre spewed forth...

Well, I'd rather take the heat over the winters. I heard that the winters in Chicago are worse than New York. If so, I'd rather take the summer...

Anyway, the upside is that humidity is low.

Perhaps you could take a book and go down to some public building and spend the day there. E.g. the public libraries?

8/6/05 23:38  
Blogger J Schnorng spewed forth...

yj: i'm seriously not looking forward to the real world. the real world sucks.

vish: that's only because you're such a loner. the south side isn't that bad, you know.

AQ: oh, it's hot alright. very the hot.

ogre: public buildings? so damn far! i'd rather go to the school library, except wait, no, that would suck. yeah.

9/6/05 11:17  
Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

Thank you!
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15/9/06 17:47  
Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

Great work!
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15/9/06 17:47  
Anonymous Anonymous spewed forth...

Great work! |

15/9/06 17:47  

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